Saturday, December 31, 2005

Give'em the methane gas.......this would be a HAPPY OUGHT SIX if all this should come to pass...

In 2006, Tom DeLay will pay. And so will Bob Ney, and Mark Lay, and Ken Lay. Maybe by May, some people say.

And when they pay, let it be so. The same for Tom Noe and Texan Ted Poe. And Wally O'Dell and a Miller named Zell and Jodi Rell as well. Oh hell man, along with Ken Mehlman, it wouldn't be daft to jail Bob Taft

Let's hope none of them get off including Jack Abramoff and Michael Chertoff.

May they have a terrible New Year

And may we all turn giddy, at the conviction of Scooter Libby. And wouldn't it be zany to arrest Dick Cheney? And without bail may he be held, that would be Don Rumsfeld.

Adding to the GOP's depressions, would be scandals for Jeff and Pete Sessions. And it would not be a no no, to investigate Mary Bono. At the end of the day, they may say, "Who knew" they'd get John Sununu?

While the fundies are eating their grits, may they read about the sacking of Paul Wolfowitz. And a bastard named Hastert and the right-wing dodo, Sam Alito.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Bush Took Responsibility For Jackshit:

In talking about his latest round of oh-shit-my-approval-ratings-are-dangling-lower-than-Bob-Novak's-dropped-nutsack speeches, the mainstream media has focused on the idea that George Bush "took responsibility" for something or other. The ABC headline is "Bush Takes Blame For Iraq Invasion, Intel." The Reuters headline says, "Bush takes blame for Iraq war on bad intelligence." All over the news, you could see or hear about Bush's amazing, magnanimous gesture of responsibility, as if he stood before the crowds and said, "Hey, I fucked up. Sorry about all the death and destruction because of my fuck up." But, of course, he did nothing of the kind.

Here's what Bush said: "[I]t is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As President, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq -- and I'm also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities." At least it's good to know that Bush remembers that he's the one who had to say the words "Invade Iraq" before it would happen. Fuck him. Bush did not take one bit of responsibility for the bad intelligence. It's like saying, "I'm responsible for the decision to break that lamp, and I'm responsible for getting the Elmer's to put it back together," but you know what? You didn't say you broke the fuckin' lamp.

Oh, and, by the way, the newspapers and news nets need to break out the Thesaurus, 'cause Bush sure as shit didn't mean "blame" when he said "responsibility." "Blame" implies error. There was no hint of making an error in anything he spoke. In fact, Bush never mentioned "error," "mistake," "wrong," or "blame" in any reference to himself or his administration. And he certainly did not even attempt to take responsibility for the "faulty" intelligence; all he said was, "All my bitches at the U.N. thought the shit was real, too, yo."

Indeed, the only time he'll say something is wrong is when it's no longer up for argument. In his interview yesterday with Fox "News" anchor Brit "Behold My Permanent Scowl of Sonorous Objectivity" Hume, Bush was asked about admitted bribe-taker, former Representative and now contestant for "Ugliest Jailhouse Bottom in the California Penal System" Duke Cunningham, and the President said, "I feel Duke Cunningham was wrong and should be punished for what he did. And I think anybody who does what he did should be punished, Republican or Democrat." To which one can only thank fucking God that the President of the United States is so in touch with reality that he believes a confessed felon is "wrong" and "should be punished." (After which Bush offered support to Tom DeLay, who has more or less admitted laundering money.)

The pattern in the last week, in all his appearances, in all his interviews has been this: to present the image of someone who looks like he's approximating contrition. Like going to confession and saying what your friends did so you can be blessed by their absolution, Bush kept saying, again and again, pretty much nothing about his culpability, except in some vague way that, well, shit, since he's sittin' in the chair at the Oval Office, one assumes he must have something to do with what goes on around him. An example of this would be in his interview with NBC's Brian Williams, when he said, "[T]o the extent that the federal government was ineffective, I'm responsible." Again, it's nice to know he realizes that he's the head of the federal government and it can't not be his responsibility.

See, language to the Bush administration is merely the lubricant on the dildo they wish to shove up the ass of the citizenry. They read the polls - they know that ass is achin', just achin' fer some sweet lovin', somethin' hard they can feel all the way from the prostate to the uvula. And the White House sure ain't prepared to go all the way with the tender honesty of cock-in-ass humpin', but it'll bring out the ten-inch strap-on to pleasure that pucker and maybe shut up the people for a while. They can't shove it in raw - the pain and tearing would make the citizenry balk, so they gotta lube that tube, man, they gotta make it seem like it's somethin' real, not just a substitute dick, not just fakery that does the trick.

(For a similar take on Bush's empty words, see the Moderate Voice.)

Rude One


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Why Michelle Malkin Ought To Be Caged Like a Rabid...

You have to be into S&M to read this Rightard Shill:

Why Michelle Malkin Ought To Be Caged Like a Rabid Shitzu:
For conservatives, for anyone who still lingers in support of the war (people who are not unlike those who choose to stay behind for a monster hurricane ostensibly to protect their property and then we're all supposed to feel bad when their drowned asses are found impaled on the jib boom of a sailboat that crashed into their homes), yesterday has to be rendered meaningless. For if they place any significance on the number 2000, they will have to acknowlege that corpses have meaning, and if you stack 2000 of them up, it still does not equal the height of the pile of bullshit that took us into the war. When the press hack for the Iraq operation, Lt. Col. Steve Boylan, says that 2000 is "an artificial mark on the wall," you know they're shit-scared of that number being ingrained in the public. At least until 2100, 2200, 23...

Of course, one of the most war-lovin' whores out there is Michelle Malkin, whose latest "column" (if by "column," you mean "mad spittle-ridden spewings of a self-loathing rightwing spooge bucket") is another vicious attack on the anti-war movement because it "couldn't wait for the death of the 2,000th soldier." She regurgitates Boylan's talking points, that the media shouldn't focus on the deaths so much as they should focus on "the momentous events of Iraqis voting, training for the police and security forces, and joining the new government." 'Cause, you know, the press hasn't covered the Iraqi elections at all.

Malkin, in her blog, had previously joined in attacking the Quakers (the fuckin' Quakers, fer chrissake) for planning a protest around the milestone of the 2000th dead soldier. She called it a "party" being planned by leftists. Now she calls Cindy Sheehan's plans for protest "her macabre lust for the spotlight in preparation for the artificially constructed, media-hyped occasion." Then she conflates the grieving, protesting mothers, the families of soldiers, the soldiers who have returned, the everyday citizens who don't like their government being hijacked by madmen, all the mainstream people who oppose the war, and even Pat Buchanan, with people "[w]ho believe the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and at Shanksville, Pa., were a Bush conspiracy with Israel and/or Saudi Arabia." That's like saying that, say, contemporary Asians who write conservative columns are the same as buck-toothed Japanese stereotypes straight out of a World War II Warner Brothers cartoon.

In her most bizarro comparison, Malkin says these are the same people "[w]ho believe Saddam Hussein should be freed and Guantanamo Bay emptied." The Rude Pundit's not sure who Malkin's been watchin', but who wants Saddam freed? And how is Saddam's imprisonment comparable to torture at Gitmo?

Malkin condemns those who see the number 2000 as having some significance: "Why 2,000? Was the 2nd or 555th or 1,678th death not as worth mourning as any other death with nice round numbers?" The Rude Pundit's not sure if Malkin remembers when the right went nutzoid when Ted Koppel decided to mourn the 2nd and 555th deaths by reading the names on the air. The Rude Pundit's not sure if Malkin remembers that the Bush administration prevented photos being taken of caskets and funerals. The Left has not tried to erase the meaning of each and every death. (And let's not even get into the fucked-up discussion of the meaning of round numbers in general: it's why, say, the centennial of something is seen as more important than its 86th year of existence.)

Michelle Malkin is so pro-war that she keeps vibrators shaped like SA80s, specially made so that when she pulls the trigger, she gets an automatic-weapon sized burst of vibrating speed. God, as she sits there, in her internment cell she keeps in her apartment to remind her what she thinks she's worth to the American government, watching Fox "News," thinking about Oliver North fucking her with the same force, thinking about the tens of thousands of brave soldiers still alive, and, holy fuck, as she bursts into coming, sweet, sweet Iraqi freedom.

As we have surpassed 2000 dead, Malkin and other war supporters are craven, desperate souls. Because we're on the fast track to 3000. Or, more precisely, 2987, the point at which we will have given more lives in Iraq than died on 9/11, the one connection to 9/11 that Iraq war supporters don't want made. Now, there's some fuckin' numbers for you.

Rude One


Monday, October 10, 2005

Crappy Forum

Here is a local forum that is full of Rightards

On another note illness and laziness has kept me from my sue anyone reads this slag///////

Monday, May 02, 2005

Please don't read John Steinbeck around Ann's a turn-on for her...

The next thing I knew, her companion (mother?) had left and Coulter was standing over me, looking skeptically at my reading material.
‘The Grapes of Wrath, huh?’
‘Yes’ I said, faking composure. ‘It’s fantastic.’
‘It’s a fantastic primer for vacuous proto-Communists everywhere,’ she said dismissively.
‘I don’t know about that..’
She sighed. ‘I don’t have enough ink in my pen to keep a running list of what you don’t know. May I?’
She motioned to the empty chair next to me.
‘Of course.’ It would be fair to say my voice trembled a little.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Thinking people still want to know the TRUE STORY of what really happened on 09-11-2001.....

C-Span will challenge the official version of the 9/11 "terrorist attacks" with a nationwide delayed broadcast of a talk by David Ray Griffin at U.W.-Madison Monday 4/18/05, 7:30 p.m., in 272 Bascom Hall. The public is invited to attend, and admission is free.

The nationwide news network C-span has broken the blackout on the 9/11 truth movement, raising hopes that other media outlets will follow, by deciding to broadcast a lecture by David Ray Griffin in Madison Monday night. An acclaimed philosopher-theologian and author of the 9/11 truth blockbusters The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Dr. Griffin will be making a rare public appearance at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Monday night, April 18th. at 7:30 p.m. in 272 Bascom Hall. His brand-new talk, entitled "9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?" will focus on the ethical and spiritual dimension of facing the overwhelming evidence that the Bush Administration was complicit in the attacks of September 11th, 2001. His Madison appearance celebrates the founding of the new group MUJCA-NET: Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The trains or planes don't run on time but this miserable failure (Bush) tells the people that they do....

by Bob Burton
Will ongoing investigations and public outrage be sufficient to end the debased media practices that result in "fake news"?
Producers of the fake TV news stories called video news
releases (VNRs) hope not. Some are worried, though. "Crisis" is the word Kevin McCauley of the public relations trade publication
O'Dwyer's used in a recent column.
VNR producers are struggling to find allies, even within the PR industry. For the last three weeks, O'Dwyer's has been running an online poll asking, "Should there be a limit on the U.S.
Government's use of video news releases?" Seventy-two percent of
respondents to date support VNR restrictions. (O'Dwyer's doesn't
disclose the number of respondents.)
VNR producers may very well be thanking their lucky stars for
the Bush White House.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

WANTED: 250,000 to Fight Fake News & Government Propaganda

The Center for Media and Democracy is working with Free Press to gather a quarter million signatures on our petition mobilizing the American public to fight fake news and government propaganda. On Sunday, the New York Times reported that at least 20 federal agencies have made and distributed pre-packaged, ready-to-serve television news segments to promote President Bush's policies and initiatives. Congress' Government Accountability Office determined that these "video news releases" were illegal "covert propaganda" and told federal agencies to stop. But last Friday, the White House ordered all agencies to disregard Congress' directive. The Bush administration is using hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to manipulate public opinion.

Monday, March 14, 2005

10 Things Every Girl Should Know About Boys and Their Private Parts

Pickles the killer sez;;;;;

By Mrs. George W. Bush
"Take it from me, girls – there's no good reason to rush into S-E-X. That's why I hope these scientific facts help you choose abstinence, so you need never know the heartbreak of being trapped in a loveless marriage just because you drank too many margaritas one night and gave up your honey pot to a pushy young cokehead from a so-called 'good family.'"

1. Unlike your girly privates, which are internal, boy privates are external. God knew that nobody wanted to see all our lady mess, so He pushed everything up inside you. What in tarnation He was thinking when he came up with that nasty, dangling, squishy flesh on boys beats the heck out of me, but I suspect it was so it would be easier for Him to keep an eye on what they're up to. Because trust me: that grotesque grab bag of horror and disappointment is always up to something, gals.

2. Boy privates are often said to resemble hot dogs, although if you ask me, the ones I've seen always called to mind something like those cute little Austrian cocktail weenies they sell 8 to a can. But I think famed author Lynne Cheney described the male unmentionable best when she recalled recoiling at "an old Frankenstein's monster bratwurst that looked like it had rolled under the couch for a month and got covered in dust bunnies and would make you spit up if you even so much as halfheartedly nibbled the tip of it."

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Gonzo is gone...Jesus hated Bald Pussy

Let's face it, the yo-yo president of the U.S.A. knows nothing. He is a dunce. He does what he is told to do, says what he is told to say, poses the way he is told to pose. He is a fool.
No. Nonsense. The president cannot be a Fool. Not at this moment in time, when the last living vestiges of the American Dream are on the line. This is not the time to have a bogus rich kid in charge of the White House.

George W. Bush does not speak for me or my son or my mother or my friends or the people I respect in this world. We didn't vote for these cheap, greedy little killers who speak for America today- and we will not vote for them again in 2002. Or 2004. Or ever.

Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid little rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill "gooks". They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are racists and hate mongers among us-they are
the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not.
Fuck them..

Saturday, January 01, 2005


"First time offender gets 55 years for selling marijuana"
He was prosecuted by the feds and so there is no parole. He will serve at least 85% of this sentence. Meanwhile deadly drug criminals such as drunk drivers seldom do any can-time and even end up in the WH like convicted DUIs bush and cheney.

Insanity - 55 Years In Prison For Selling Marijuana
By Rob Kampia Executive Director Marijuana Policy Project

Dear Friend:
Twenty-five-year-old Weldon Angelos celebrated Christmas in federal prison this year ... just like he'll do every year until he's 80.

Last month, Angelos was sentenced to 55 years in prison for selling marijuana to undercover police officers. As U.S. District Judge Paul Cassell pointed out at sentencing, that's more time than he would have received if he had hijacked an airplane (25 years), beaten someone to death in a fight (13 years), or raped a 10-year-old child (11 years).

In fact, the maximum sentence for all those crimes combined is less than the federal mandatory minimum sentence for a drug felony involving a gun. (Angelos was carrying a gun at the time of his arrest, although he never brandished it or threatened anyone.)

The assistant U.S. attorney prosecuting the case justified putting Angelos -- a first-time offender and father of two -- behind bars for 55 years by saying that he was a "purveyor of poison" who got what he deserved. (The "poison" was marijuana, which has never killed anyone.)

Buy a Bible and become insane./././.